Bad day? Bad week? I have a friend that had the worst week ever. If you ask him about it, he will not admit that it was bad or even blame those who caused him to have a bad week. I will tell you for him. At first, the week started out gloriously. I was not there, but I read the reports. My friend entered the city in parade fashion. People were raising the roof I guess you would say. There was so much noise and singing being made over my friend coming to town, you would think Elvis or any other king had rode in on the scene. It’s so wild too because my buddy didn’t roll in on a Chevy or a Ford, but a wild donkey. My friend sure knows how to make an entrance. Palm branches are thrown on the path so my friend and his donkey cross over them. Mr. Popularity is making his way into town and this religious type of people show up demanding he settle the people down. It is just too loud or whatever.
On Monday, my friend cleaned house ridding it of the pests that were not showing his home the proper respect. Later, he used a fig tree to illustrate the need for God. Tuesday was a big day for my friend. He taught parables most of the day and defended himself from the previously mentioned religious types. At one point, my friend answered questions about marriage, taxes, life, death, and signs to look for at the end of days. I cannot say for sure what Wednesday was like for my friend. Thursday; however, was a big day. First, he observed the Passover by enjoying a real good supper, washed the feet of his closest followers and explained how that represented service, but then the mood changed. He told his friends that he knew one of them was going to betray him. After telling that, he switched gears and told his friends how and why they should remember him after he was no longer with them. He then told Peter specifically that he would deny knowing him not once, but three times. My friend finished the conversation by telling those closest to him exactly how to get Heaven.
I think it was about 9:30 PM to 10:30 PM that my friend went out to the Gethsemane Garden to pray. His betraying friend came with the authorities. They arrested him. The night of his arrest, my friend was brought before Annas, Caiaphas, and the Sanhedrin (a group of religious leaders). In these trials, he was charged with blasphemy. He was imprisoned at Caiaphas’ palace.
Friday, Peter full of fear, denied him just as foretold. My friend went before Pilate, who was the Roman Governor, who declared, “I find no guilt in this man.” So, Pilate sent my friend to Herod, one of the main politicians. My friend refused to answer any questions, so Herod returned him to Pilot. Then He returned to Pilate, who finally sentenced him to death.
What I did not write was that they beat my friend beyond recognition, spit on him, and mocked him. They crucified him between two thieves. Everyone that had on Sunday screamed and sang his praises was in either hiding or watching gleefully at his torturous death. Through all of this, my friend asked God to forgive those who denied him, beat him, and killed him. An earthquake occurred that day. I was not there to see my friend buried. On Saturday, the burial site was sealed and a guard posted to ensure the body stayed buried. On Sunday, the tomb was empty.
Praise be to God Almighty that my friend, my savior, Jesus Christ defeated Hell, death, and the grave over 2000 years ago. Jesus’ bad week did not end at the cross. He taught that He is the only way to Heaven. If we confess with our mouths, Jesus is Lord and believe in our hearts that God raised Him from the dead we will be saved. Please do not miss Heaven because of a lie from Hell. We are all a breath away from eternity. Salvation comes from One; His name is Jesus Christ. I pray that you look to Him as your personal savior. You may ask, “How do I do that?”
First, you realize the need for Jesus. You look to the Bible as it teaches that all have sinned. God is holy, perfect, and just. He does not look upon sin. We cannot get to God on our own. God gave us Jesus; His sacrificial death on the cross paid our sin debt and has made a way for us to be with God IF we accept Jesus Christ as our savior. It is more than knowing about Jesus. We have to know that we need Him, we have to believe in Him. We turn from-repent-stop doing the things we know that keep us from Him. We admit we need Him, we believe in Him, and we confess Him as Lord. God bless.