What is the difference, the real, semantic difference between the words of and from? According to grammar books, both are prepositions. The binding law of our great, free country is stitched and held together by the Constitution of the United States of America. One of the highest contested, most controversial issues of the Constitution is the freedom of-not from religion. Some under the guise of tolerance and liberty appear to want to champion causes that protect the rights of all save as some believe the rights of the Christian citizen. One of the reasons why America became America according to history is the desire for and concept of religious freedom. People did not like the Church of England being if you will excuse the expression, the one true church imposing rites and practices. In America, we are free to practice or not practice religion. We as a people are free to express or not express out values to others. That was true until The ACLU vs. Sumner County, Tennessee case came to an agreement.
The Associated Press and News Channel 5 posted the following statement from the ACLU:
"In accordance with the settlement, school officials can no longer promote their personal religious beliefs to students. Religious symbols and items may not be displayed in a place publicly visible to students. Teachers may supervise student clubs but can no longer participate in their activities and school officials cannot encourage or solicit prayer at school functions. School events may not be held in religious venues except under certain limited conditions and the schools can no longer take field trips to religious sites. Only family members will be permitted to visit schools at lunchtime. Groups wishing to distribute materials to students, such as members of Gideons International, must do so in a neutral way, minimizing contact with students and no groups will be given preferential access to students. Non-religious clubs shall not have "chaplain" positions and all course materials and choral music must have a clear pedagogical purpose."
Instead of quoting case after case where either the ACLU or the forces of Christianity won or lost, I want to focus on an issue that many may have forgotten. Where in the Constitution is religion or religious expression prohibited? The supporters of tolerance and liberty will quickly answer that the Constitution’s Establishment Clause answers that. The what? You may never have heard of that until now. A closer look at it clearly shows what it supports and does not support. According to law2.umkc.edu:
At an absolute minimum, the Establishment Clause was intended to prohibit the federal government from declaring and financially supporting a national religion, such as existed in many other countries at the time of the nation's founding. It is far less clear whether the Establishment Clause was also intended to prevent the federal government from supporting Christianity in general.
The majority of the Founding Fathers held Christianity as their practice. They did not however want to set up a government entangled with the church like the one they fled from in England. School systems and school employees are state employees, i.e. government workers apart of the government, so following this line of thinking, teachers or government officials should not in their capacity declare their beliefs or moral code onto others as the only way of thinking. If a student asks the teacher a “religious” question privately or publicly, it is the teacher’s First Amendment right to answer the question without fear of reprimand from some offended party thinking Suzie may become an intolerant, Bible thumping, bigot if the name of a certain carpenter is spoken. Now that I have said that, allow me to make the following statement as well:
“Little Jimmy’s civil rights and liberties are not going to be devastated or trampled upon if he sees his second grade teacher wearing a crucifix.
We as a people do not have the right to speak to others forcing our morals on them. We do not, cannot, and should not be so bold. There is but one, that certain carpenter from Nazareth that did and does have the right to do so. He is known as the Cornerstone, the Lion of Judah, the Bishop of Souls, The Alpha and Omega, Bread of Life, Fountain, King of Glory, King of Kings, Lamb of God, and The Lord God Almighty, Jesus the Christ. Jesus Christ said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one goes to the Father except through me.” The words of Christ predate the Constitution, folks. Regardless of the legal rhetoric, case statues, and semantically, well developed arguments, in life, despite all the cultures, morals, beliefs, religions, and differences, there are only two types of people. Those who do and those who do not (accept Christ). We accept Christ as the Lord and hold His words true like where He taught that He would deny all of those who deny Him before men. On the contrasting side, we are like those who deny Him, His word, and the symbolic cross usually calling it tolerance or protecting liberties.
The Constitution does not forbid Christians from expressing their beliefs; however, it does forbid creating, establishing, one religion for the nation must follow. Teachers should teach and not use their classrooms to preach; however, a life lived for Christ will be reflected in words and actions. It is grossly unfair and hypocritical for the ACLU to strip away from Sumner County teachers the very things they say they promote: civil liberties. David French, ACLJ, American Center for Law and Justice, Senior Counsel and lawyer for the Board says, “Protecting student and teacher rights was and is a top priority of the Board, and the Board is pleased that this agreement accomplishes its primary goal.” French goes on to say, “The settlement clarifies the distinction between official and personal conduct, protecting personal conduct while ensuring that teachers use their taxpayer- provided positions to teach their subjects in accordance with their legitimate pedagogical judgments.” Just so, we are all clear, the ACLJ attorney is in theory on the side of the Christian.
Let me just ask, “How are teachers’ rights protected by a settlement that says again from the ACLU, ‘School officials can no longer promote their personal religious beliefs to students’?” Again, no government official should abuse their authoritative position, but again, AS STATED EARLIER, if Kid A asks Teacher B about Christ or any aspect of religion, the teacher should be able to answer without fear. All it takes is one, offended person to take the teacher’s words and present the teacher’s answer as promotion when in reality, it is not promotion, but an answer to a question.
One final thought that again predates the ACLU’s legal victories, torts, Jefferson’s letter, and the Constitution itself are the instructions of Christ to go and preach the Gospel. The Christian, a real Christian that reflects Christ will share the Gospel message, but never force the cross onto anyone because Jesus never did. Jesus invited and still does invite all to come to Him. Where are you today? Will you deny Jesus in the name of tolerance and fear of a lawsuit? Will you stand firm in the faith, ready to share the shadow of the cross, boldly proclaiming the King of kings to a lost, dying, politically correct, holiday program promoting, winter break fiesta taking, X-MAS present giving, world?
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