Sunday, June 19, 2011

Gospel Q AND A

This is not written in a grammatical correct fashion. I know, English teachers are supposed to always write correctly; however, for the most part, this is written in a conversational tone. This is a real conversation.

Q: What evidence will you accept to trust my faith in Christ?

A: Show me God's fingerprint, and we'll talk.
    When looking at a painting, most of the time the author’s name is sprawled across the canvas. So, how illogical is it to say when looking at a painting, “Wow, this Mona Lisa picture speaks to me. I wonder how the colors came together to create it?” We look at the painting and we know there was a painter. It is not possible for the various paints to be splashed together and suddenly, a classic picture is displayed. The concept can be applied to buildings as well. When looking at a building, do we not know that first; the building’s material did not suddenly come together without a designer? In other words, did a random tornado or other weather event sweep by and pick up wood, concrete, and nails twirl it around and set a completely built, well-designed house down? No, it did not. Every building has a builder, an architect if you will.
   God’s fingerprint is found on all of creation. The skeptic will argue that my statement only works in a figurative sense, but science and what we know proves God’s fingerprints are all around and on us. The skeptics’ argument of if you can’t see it, it doesn’t exist is a logical fallacy in that by their admission, if you can’t see it, it doesn’t exist , so say, the human brain doesn’t exist because typically, we don’t see or touch our own brains. Without the aid of a device, you have not touched or seen your own brain, so if you have to see it to believe it, then perhaps the brain does not exist. Let us look at the Earth.
The Earth's size and corresponding gravity holds a thin layer of mostly nitrogen and oxygen gases, only extending about 50 miles above the Earth's surface. If Earth were smaller, an atmosphere would be impossible, like the planet Mercury. If Earth were larger, its atmosphere would contain free hydrogen, like Jupiter. The Earth is located the right distance from the sun. Consider the temperature swings we encounter, roughly -30 degrees to +120 degrees. If the Earth were any further away from the sun, we would all freeze. Any closer and we would burn up. Even a fractional variance in the Earth's position to the sun would make life on Earth impossible. The Earth remains this perfect distance from the sun while it rotates around the sun at a speed of nearly 67,000 mph. It is also rotating on its axis, allowing the entire surface of the Earth to be properly warmed and cooled every day. The Bible’s oldest written book, Job 26:7, teaches about the Earth, and how it is suspended long before scientists proved it. There is a place in the North where no stars exist, which cannot be seen with the naked eye. How did the writer of Job know this? In addition, the same verse declares that God hangs the earth on nothing. We know this is true, but we have only known it for about 350 years. God's inspired writer told us over 3000 years ago that the earth is held in place by gravitational forces!
    Are we going to say that a random bang or any other school of thought other than a Living Creator created our Earth? The Big Bang Theory is in direct conflict with the proven Laws of Thermodynamics, but that is a different thing all together. Let us look at DNA.
A computer program is made up of ones and zeros, like this: 110010101011000. The way they are arranged tell the computer program what to do. The DNA code in each of our cells is very similar. It is made up of four chemicals that scientists abbreviate as A, T, G, and C. These are arranged in the human cell like this: CGTGTGACTCGCTCCTGAT and so on. There are three billion of these letters in every human cell. Evolution’s validity is no longer an issue because its theories are flawed and have been for the most part discarded by the scientific community outside liberal college professors. The human body with all of its complexities was not formed by an explosion or an evolutionary cycle that hasn’t been proven. So what are we left with?

     In the 1900s, oceanographers found the sea had many deep valleys or canyons. The deepest canyons were called trenches. The Marianas Trench in the Pacific is so deep that if Mt. Everest (29,000 feet high) were dropped into it, the peak would still be a mile below the water’s surface. There are also underwater mountains. The Atlantic Ocean contains an undersea range of mountains 10,000 miles long. The Bible spoke of the valleys and mountains of the sea thousands of years before scientists discovered them.
    Dinosaurs are referred to in several Bible books. The Bible describes the circulation of the atmosphere and principles of fluid dynamics.

    The Bible describes biogenesis (the development of living organisms from other living organisms) and the stability of each kind of living organism.
   The Bible describes the chemical nature of flesh.
Furthermore, The Bible has statements that are consistent with Anthropology, Hydrology, Geology and Physics.
   The Bible was written over a period of 1400 years. This 1400-year-period begins with the writings of Moses, the first five books of the Holy Bible. These writings include a time recorded prior to Moses' lifespan. It started out at the actual creation of the cosmos. By the time, Moses completes the teachings found in Deuteronomy, we learn about the very beginning of mankind. The final writer was probably John when he was on the Isle of Patmos and wrote the book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ. Between the days of Moses and John, a period of about 14 centuries transpired, but the Holy Bible covers over 4000 years of history. It has been nearly 2000 years since the last of the writers lived. The Old Testament remained in Hebrew until c.280-150 B.C. when it was translated into Greek at Alexandria, Egypt. This was known as the Septuagint. The next language change occurred when Jerome (c. 383-405 A.D) translated the Holy Bible into the Latin Vulgate. This was used by the clergy for nearly 1000 years.

    The first English translation was completed by John Wycliffe and soon after, King James authorized the English version that has come to be known as the King James Version. This was in 1611. Before this, Nero and other tyrants attempted to eliminate all copies of scripture and references to Christ. All of these attempts failed. How is that possible for 66 books to survive so long in tact? If the Gospels were written by men that just wanted to have the Jesus legend remembered, why would all the doubters and unbelievers be mentioned? How could all the stories be accurate without detractors saying, “Hey, that’s not true” if it is not? Why would opposition toward Christ be presented? This book has been translated from Hebrew to Greek to every other language known to man. The facts are these: The continuity between the timelines between the events that occurred in what we call the Old Testament and New cannot be disputed. All of the prophecies that were recorded by the prophets of old concerning the virgin birth, life, death and return of Christ came to pass as true in the new. There is no way at all in this world that all of the old prophecies could have been recorded and saved all those years just to have some come true by coincidence.
   The Bible is not a geography book or an archaeology book. However, whenever the Bible makes a statement relating to these sciences, it is completely accurate. Notice the Lord's statement for example, in Luke 10:30. 30 Then Jesus answered and said: "A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among thieves, who stripped him of his clothing, wounded him, and departed, leaving him half dead." Now, Jericho is Northeast of Jerusalem, and normally we do not speak of going down when we refer to going North. We generally speak of going down South and up North, don't we? Why did the Lord say the man went down from Jerusalem? It is because Jerusalem is some 2500 feet above sea level. When one leaves Jerusalem in Palestine he goes down to go anywhere in the area. Therefore, our Lord's statement is completely accurate, and is recorded accurately by inspiration. No, the Bible is not a geography book, but it is geographically accurate in every instance.
    Many archaeologists have explored the land of Palestine. Has any one of those scientists ever discovered anything that disproves the Bible? No. Many archaeological discoveries have confirmed the Biblical record. However, none has ever contradicted the Word of God.
    Jesus Christ. He is the most famous, well known, ignored, and mocked man in all history. Professor Emeritus of Science at Westmont College, Peter Stoner, has calculated the probability of one man fulfilling the major prophecies made concerning the Messiah. The estimates were worked out by twelve different classes representing some 600-university students.

   For example, concerning Micah 5:2, where it states the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem Ephrathah, Stoner and his students determined the average population of BETHLEHEM from the time of Micah to the present; then they divided it by the average population of the earth during the same period.
They concluded that the chance of one man being born in Bethlehem was one in 300,000, (or one in 2.8 x 10^5 - rounded),
After examining only eight different prophecies (Idem, 106), they conservatively estimated that the chance of one man fulfilling all eight prophecies was one in 10^17.

Stoner gave this illustration:
If you mark one of ten tickets, and place all the tickets in a hat, and thoroughly stir them, and then ask a blindfolded man to draw one, his chance of getting the right ticket is one in ten. Suppose that we take 10^17 silver dollars and lay them on the face of Texas. They'll cover all of the state two feet deep. Now mark one of these silver dollars and stir the whole mass thoroughly, all over the state. Blindfold a man and tell him that he can travel as far as he wishes, but he must pick up one silver dollar and say that this is the right one. What chance would he have of getting the right one? Just the same chance that the prophets would've had of writing these eight prophecies and having them all come true in any one man, from their day to the present time, providing they wrote them in their own wisdom (Idem, 106-107).
In financial terms, is there anyone who would not invest in a financial venture if the chance of failure were only one in 10^17? This is the kind of sure investment we're offered by god for faith in His Messiah.
From these figures, Professor Stoner, concludes the fulfillment of these eight prophecies alone proves that God inspired the writing of the prophecies (Idem, 107) - the likelihood of mere chance is only one in 10^17!
      Another way of saying this is that any person who minimizes or ignores the significance of the biblical identifying signs concerning the Messiah would be foolish.
But, of course, there are many more than eight prophecies. In another calculation, Stoner used 48 prophecies (Idem, 109) (even though he could have used Edersheim's 456), and arrived at the extremely conservative estimate that the probability of 48 prophecies being fulfilled in one person is the incredible number 10^157. In fact, if anybody can find someone, living or dead, other than Jesus, who can fulfill only half of the predictions concerning the Messiah given in the book "Messiah in Both Testaments" by Fred J. Meldau, the Christian Victory Publishing Company is ready to give a ONE thousand dollar reward! As apologist Josh McDowell says, "There are a lot of men in the universities that could use some extra cash!" (Josh McDowell, Evidence that Demands a Verdict, California: Campus Crusade for Christ, 175).
     How large is the number one in 10^157? 10^157 contains 157 zeros! Stoner gives an illustration of this number using electrons. Electrons are very small objects. They're smaller than atoms. It would take 2.5 TIMES 10^15 of them, lain side by side, to make one inch.

     Even if we counted 250 of these electrons each minute, and counted day and night, it would still take 19 million years just to count a line of electrons one-inch long (Stoner, op. cit, 109).
    With this introduction, let's go back to our chance of one in 10^157. Let's suppose that we're taking this number of electrons, marking one, and thoroughly stirring it into the whole mass, then blindfolding a man and letting him try to find the right one. What chance has he of finding the right one? What kind of a pile will this number of electrons make? They make an inconceivably large volume.
    This is the result from considering a mere 48 prophecies. Obviously, the probability that 456 prophecies would be fulfilled in one man by chance is vastly smaller. According to Emile Borel, once one goes past one chance in 10^50, the probabilities are so small that it is impossible to think that they will ever occur (Ankerberg et. al., op. cit., 21).

      As Stoner concludes, 'Any man who rejects Christ as the Son of God is rejecting a fact, proved perhaps more absolutely than any other fact in the world.
Here, at the end, is the ultimate question all have to answer. Jesus Christ was either a liar because he claimed to be God and convinced so many to follow him. He was a loon because he believed himself to be God, or He is Lord. He is THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE. Faith in Christ is so simple. He is recorded as saying, “Blessed are those who believe and have not seen.” One definition of faith is misleading: belief that is not based on proof. We have The Bible that has withstood the test of time, tyrants, and tests. It is complete and introduces salvation to all you can hear.

Q: I've read all your evidence and tried not to be biased, to assess the facts. You have a good case, but you know I have follow up questions.

What keeps the bible from being historical fiction? There a genres of books and movies that are based in reality being completely factual, but it never happened.

Say, the book is true. That Jesus did all that is said. The odds are pretty steep of that happening, but what do we say when we look up to space?Aren't there countless people, I being one of them, that believe that it is technically impossible for there NOT to be other life out there? If you consider infinite space and infinite time, can't anything happen? Wouldn't that even be the case for our creation as well, if God is not the answer?

What you said about the bible withstanding the test of time. It makes me think of fossils. Dinosaur fossils, bones that should have just dissolved like every other piece of the creature, were preserved for millions and millions of years. There wasn't even anyone fighting to preserve them, yet somehow they litter the entire earth today. Compared to that, the preservation of the bible does not seem as astounding to me.

This here is just a side note, but what about the Crusades? A war greatly concerning Christianity that spanned over 200 years. Why would God allow that? Is he that self absorbed? I wouldn't assume so.

I'm not trying to debunk your statements. I'm just trying to clarify.

I find the strength in your faith interesting, that you would try to show me why I should believe.

I hope you know this is like trying to describe a beach at sunset to a blind man that has never even seen the light of day. No, it's more like trying to tell Yoda there is no Force.

    A: What keeps the bible from being historical fiction? There a genres of books and movies that are based in reality being completely factual, but it never happened.
The Bible is essentially a religious history. Even those who wrote the Bible made it clear it was not a secular history, even though secular events are referred to. It is a book about God and his relationship with man. People and events mentioned in the Bible might be found in the historical writings of other nearby countries and in the historical records of the Israelite nations other than the Bible.
The earliest records of the Israelites were written on papyrus, rather than clay tablets that were used by other cultures at that time. Many of those papyri have been destroyed. The ancient Israelites, while they loom large in our eyes, were a small city state for the most part.
    There is little proof of the use of slaves in Egypt or of the Exodus, of the conquering of the Canaanites by the Israelites or of King David’s reign. But absence of proof is not proof of absence. It only takes one find to change that picture.
      For example, until 1993 there was no proof of the existence of King David or even of Israel as a nation prior to Solomon. Then in 1993 archeologists found proof of King David's existence outside the Bible. At an ancient mound called Tel Dan, in the north of Israel, words carved into a chunk of basalt were translated as "House of David" and "King of Israel" proving that he was more than just a legend.
In 1990 Frank Yurco, an Egyptologist at the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago, used hieroglyphic clues from a monolith known as the Merneptah Stele to identify figures in a Luxor wall relief as ancient Israelites. The stele itself, dated to 1207 B.C. celebrates a military victory by the Pharaoh Merneptah. “Israel is laid waste” it reads. This lets us know the Israelites were a separate people more than 3,000 years ago. The Smithsonian Department of Anthropology has this to say about the Bible.
     “Much of the Bible, in particular the historical books of the old testament, are as accurate historical documents as any that we have from antiquity and are in fact more accurate than many of the Egyptian, Mesopotamian, or Greek histories. These Biblical records can be and are used as are other ancient documents in archeological work. For the most part, historical events described took place and the peoples cited really existed. This is not to say that names of all peoples and places mentioned can be identified today, or that every event as reported in the historical books happened exactly as stated.”
R.D. Wilson who wrote “A Scientific Investigation of the Old Testament” pointed out that the names of 29 Kings from ten nations (Egypt, Assyria, Babylon and more) are mentioned not only in the Bible but are also found on monuments of their own time. Every single name is transliterated in the Old Testament exactly as it appears on the archaeological artifact – syllable for syllable, consonant for consonant. The chronological order of the kings is correct.

      History itself validates The Bible’s claims. I’ll explain. How do you know your name? Were you born knowing your name? Let me answer that, no. You were taught your name. Think about The Bible as just a book, a historical fiction like you said. How is it possible first for over forty authors to compose any volume of work much less something the size of The Bible without compiling contradictions in the work itself? Any atheist set on denying anything other than their own thought will list hundreds of items and call them contradictions, I was one of them, but the truth is, there are no contradictions. So, the point is, how can these authors, when they ranged from kings to fishermen write so much about things they had no business knowing about? Things and events secular history and science have proven accurate by the way.
      Secondly, how is it even conceivable that The Bible in the oldest written book stated the world was round when the general population swore it was flat? I touched on this earlier concerning how The Bible speaks of scientific knowledge and truths long before their “discoveries.” Not to be repetitive, but look back at what I said concerning the other schools of thought that are listed in The Bible from Geology to Hydrology.

    The fact that so many historical, well-documented events written about and expounded on in The Bible have been proven by other, secular sources says a lot that cannot be ignored.
      Q: Say, the book is true. That Jesus did all that is said. The odds are pretty steep of that happening, but what do we say when we look up to space? Aren't there countless people, I being one of them, that believe that it is technically impossible for there NOT to be other life out there? If you consider infinite space and infinite time, can't anything happen? Wouldn't that even be the case for our creation as well, if God is not the answer?

       A: Before looking at the concept of Jesus doing stuff, let us look at the concept of infinite time and space. By definition that which is infinite cannot be applied to any finite creature, even though the creatures themselves may participate in the infinity of God. Notions of infinite time and infinite space tend to be self-contradictory and confusing because space and time, being finite, cannot be extended infinitely. It is only when infinity is attributed to God alone that the concept has precise, plausible, and a consistent meaning. Since the beginning of time we as a people have always looked up at the stars and wondered. Just because we have the answer in front of us, The Bible, doesn’t mean people will not continue to look and wonder. Let us look at the concept of creation. When was the last time you witnessed something being created from nothing? Creations have a creator. From the onset of the first sentence so many cannot believe because The Bible says, “In the beginning, God created.” For the Christian, it is not difficult to comprehend because the entire cannon of scripture supports the very first main point that “In the beginning, God created.” We can believe that because the rest of scripture is without error or contradiction not because we really want to believe it, but because it is what it is. In reality The Bible does not need a defense, but more on that later.

      Now on to Jesus and all His stuff. You said, “The odds are pretty steep of that happening.” Not to repeat what was written earlier, let us look at the list of just some of the prophecies Christ fulfilled.
Messianic Prophecies Fulfilled in One Person:
1. Betrayed by a friend. (Psalms 41:9; Matthew 26:49).
2. Thirty pieces of silver (Zechariah 11:12; Matthew 26:15).
3. Betrayal money cast to the floor of the temple (Zechariah 11:13; Matthew 27:5).
4. Betrayal money used to buy the potter’s field (Zechariah 11:13: Matthew 27:7).
5. Forsaken and deserted by his disciples (Zechariah 13:7; Mark 14:50).
6. Accused by false witnesses (Psalms 35:11; Matthew 26:59-60).
7. Silent before His accusers (Isaiah 53:7; Matthew 27:12).
8. Wounded and bruised (Isaiah 53:5; Matthew 27:26).
9. Hated without a cause (Psalm 69:4; John 15:25).
10. Struck and spat upon (Isaiah 50:6; Matthew 26:67).
11. Mocked, ridiculed and rejected (Isaiah 53:3; Matthew 27:27-31 and John 7:5, 48).
12. Collapse from weakness (Psalms 109:24-25; Luke 23:26).
13. Taunted with specific words (Psalms 22:6-8; Matthew 27:39-43).
14. People will shake their heads at Him (Psalms 109:25; Matthew 27:39).
15. People will stare at Him (Psalms 22:17; Luke 23:35).
16. Executed among “sinners” (Isaiah 53:12; Matthew 27:38).
17. Hands and feet will be pierced (Psalms 22:16; Luke 23:33).
18. Will pray for his persecutors (Isaiah 53:12; Luke 23:34).
19. Friends and family will stand afar off and watch (Psalms 38:11; Luke 23:49).
20. Garments will be divided and won by the casting of lots (Psalms 22:18; John 19:23-24).
21. Will thirst (Psalms 69:21; John 19:28).
22. Will be given gall and vinegar (Psalms 69:21; Matthew 27:34).
23. Will commit Himself to God (Psalms 31:5; Luke 23:46).
24. Bones will be left unbroken (Psalms 34:20; John 19:33).
25. Heart will rupture (Psalm 22:14; John 19:34).
26. Side will be pierced (Zechariah 12:10; John 19:34).
27. Darkness will come over the land at midday (Amos 8:9; Matthew 27:45).
28. Will be buried in a rich man’s tomb (Isaiah 53:9; Matthew 27:57-60).
29. Will die 438 years after the declaration of Artaxerxes to rebuild the temple in 444 BC (Daniel 9:24).
30. Will be raised from the dead (Psalms 16:10; Acts 2:31), ascend to heaven (Psalms 68:18; Acts 1:9) and be seated the right hand of God in full majesty and authority (Psalms 110:1; Hebrews 1:3).
Professor Peter W. Stoner who authored “Science Speaks” stated that the probability of just eight particular prophecies being fulfilled in one person is 1 in 1017, i.e. 1 in 100,000,000,000,000,000). The eight prophecies used in the calculation were:
1. Messiah is to be born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2; fulfilled in Matt. 2:1-7; John 7:42; Luke 2:47).
2. Messiah is to be preceded by a Messenger (Isaiah 40:3; Malachi 3:1; fulfilled in Matthew 3:1-3; 11:10; John 1:23; Luke 1:17).
3. Messiah is to enter Jerusalem on a donkey (Zechariah 9:9; fulfilled in Luke 35-37; Matthew 21:6-11).
4. Messiah is to be betrayed by a friend (Psalms 41:9; 55:12-14; fulfilled in Matthew 10:4; 26:49-50; John 13:21).
5. Messiah is to be sold for 30 pieces of silver (Zechariah 11:12; fulfilled in Matthew 26:15; 27:3).
6. The money for which Messiah is sold is to be thrown “to the potter” in God’s house (Zechariah 11:13; fulfilled in Matthew 27:5-7).
7. Messiah is to be silent before His accusers (Isaiah 53:7; fulfilled in Matthew 27:12).
8. Messiah is to be executed by crucifixion as a thief (Psalm 22:16; Zechariah 12:10; Isaiah 53:5,12; fulfilled in Luke 23:33; John 20:25; Matthew 27:38; Mark 15:27,28).

     The American Scientific Affiliation validated this statement. This number has been illustrated as follows:
If we take 1 X 1017 silver dollars and lay them on the face of Texas, they'll cover all of the state two feet deep. Now mark one of these silver dollars and stir the whole mass thoroughly, all over the state. Blindfold a man and tell him that he can travel as far as he wishes, but he must pick up one silver dollar and say that this is the right one. What chance would he have of getting the right one?
Professor Stoner went on to consider 48 prophecies and says, “… We find the chance that any one man fulfilled all 48 prophecies to be 1 in 10157.

      “This is a really large number and it represents an extremely small chance. Let us try to visualize it. The silver dollar, which we have been using, is entirely too large. We must select a smaller object. The electron is about as small an object as we know of. It is so small that it will take 2.5 times 1015 of them laid side by side to make a line, single file, one inch long. If we were going to count the electrons in this line one inch long, and counted 250 each minute, and if we counted day and night, it would take us 19,000,000 years to count just the one-inch line of electrons. If we had a cubic inch of these electrons and we tried to count them it would take us, counting steadily 250 each minute, 19,000,000 times 19,000,000 times 19,000,000 [nineteen million times nineteen million times nineteen million] or 6.9 times 1021 years.

     This is approximately the total number of electrons in all the mass of the known universe. In other words the probability of Jesus Christ fulfilling 48 prophecies is the same as one person being able to pick out one electron out of the entire mass of our universe.

       Such is the chance of any one man fulfilling any 48 prophecies. Yet Jesus Christ fulfilled not just 48 prophecies, not just 61 prophecies, but more than 324 individual prophecies that the Prophets wrote concerning the Messiah. I haven’t been able to find the statistical projection representing the possibility of Jesus Christ fulfilling 324 prophecies but I really don’t think it matters given the illustrations set forth above.
      Does it really take faith to come to salvation through Jesus Christ? Absolutely but that faith is not a blind faith as some would want you to believe but instead, it is a faith based upon facts. How much faith? Maybe not very much if one really takes the time to look at the facts and take into consideration the statistics and probability of the prophecies concerning the Messiah.

     When someone tries to tell you that Christianity is a religious faith based upon ignorant acceptance of certain precepts that have no basis in fact, they are sadly mistaken. Christianity is a faith that not only can be an emotional faith (which it is); it is also an intellectual faith.

      If you still happen to be unconvinced that the baby born in Bethlehem 2000 years ago was anything more than just an ordinary human baby, let me challenge you with a few of “the odds” in that regard.
1. To begin with, did you know that the Old Testament prophet Micah, writing circa 700 B.C., out of the hundreds and hundreds of cities in the scores and scores of nations in existence all over the world even in those days, designated Bethlehem of Judea as the birthplace of the Messiah (Micah 5:2)?
2. And that at about the same time, Isaiah (7:14) said that the Christ would be born of a virgin?
3. Or that a prophecy made in 1012 B.C. specified that the Messiah's hands and feet would eventually be pierced--a clear reference to death by crucifixion--800 years before the Romans ever even instituted crucifixion as a form of capital punishment!
4. Malachi 3:1, penned in about 425 B.C., specified that the Messiah would be contemporary with the temple in Jerusalem--a temple that was destroyed in 70 A.D. and has never been rebuilt.
5. Well, if all this impresses you even a little bit, you ought to go compare Zechariah 11:11-13 (written over 500 years before Christ) to Matthew 27:3-10 (written some 25-30 years after Christ). Only coincidence?
      What you said about the bible withstanding the test of time. It makes me think of fossils. Dinosaur fossils, bones that should have just dissolved like every other piece of the creature, were preserved for millions and millions of years. There wasn't even anyone fighting to preserve them, yet somehow they litter the entire earth today. Compared to that, the preservation of the bible does not seem as astounding to me.
      What about the fossils of creatures past? They are here as a physical record due to biological processes. Allow me to clarify: The Bible has physically survived despite all those who would silence it through burning or banning. When The Bile was being constructed, it survived by never having anyone other than the Jews dispute it. Christ’s contemporaries surely would have cried out in error if what was written or passed down were wrong or at least out of order. The Bible speaks of fossils. Did you know The Grand Canyon is a testament to Noah’s flood? There are a number of fossils found at the top layers of the canyon that modern scientists cannot explain other than to attribute the said fossils to a flood of huge proportions.

      This here is just a side note, but what about the Crusades? A war greatly concerning Christianity that spanned over 200 years. Why would God allow that? Is he that self absorbed? I would not assume so.
God is not self-absorbed by any means. Misguided men in the name of God waged the crusades. George Carlin joked once that more wars were started in the name of God than anything else. He was right. Hitler when he began his tirade tricked the Germans by invoking the name of Christ and Christianity. Most history books probably do not mention that fact. Bad things happen all the time in the name of God. After 911, church attendance soared. Why does God allow this? How arrogant I would be if I said I knew. I know only what The Bible says. It says, God is sovereign and in control regardless of how bad it seems. Many Old Testament prophets asked the question, “Why?” all the time.

     There will always be those who doubt no matter how many proofs are given. The decision to accept Christ as Lord is intellectual yes based on the historical, scientific, and even mathematical probability of Christ’s deity, but it is at the core, a decision based on faith. Christ asked Peter once, “Who do you say I am?” All of us have to answer that. It is more than amazing to think that God gave up His own life to save us, the world from Hell. If you look at The Bible with the skeptic eyes, you may not see, but if you read with eyes and a heart that says, “What if,” perhaps you will see what I see, hear what I hear, and feel what I feel. You said:

     I find the strength in your faith interesting, that you would try to show me why I should believe.
How can I not share with you if I truly believe that Christ is the way to Heaven? I would be a hypocrite if I acted any other way. It would be like saying, “I have the cure for cancer, but I’m not telling anyone!” I love you enough to tell you that Jesus loves you.

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